What is your


How would you like
to pack it?


We offer you the solution!

Legal Notice

C.E. Gätcke's Glas Gesellschaft mbH
Bredowstraße 31
22113 Hamburg

Register Court Hamburg HRB 177499

Managing Directors:
Peter Börner, Dorothée Kuhnert, Harold Lienau


USt.Id.Nr.: DE 118859717




F. Dau & Sohn GmbH
Bredowstraße 31
22113 Hamburg

Register Court Hamburg HRB 95671

Managing Directors:
Peter Börner, Dorothée Kuhnert, Harold Lienau


USt.Id.Nr.: DE 318987040


Phone: +49 40 731 206-0
Fax: +49 40 731 206-10
Mail: sales@treffpack.de


Complaint Management Duty to provide information on online dispute resolution

The EU Commission has been providing a platform for out-of-court dispute resolution since February 15, 2016. This gives consumers the opportunity to resolve disputes in connection with our online offer without the involvement of a court. The dispute settlement platform can be reached at the external link http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. In this context, we are legally obliged to refer you to our email address. This is info@treffpack.de. We endeavor to settle any disagreements from our contract by mutual agreement. In addition, we are not obliged to participate in arbitration proceedings and, unfortunately, cannot offer you participation in such proceedings.

Looking for a product packaging?

We look forward to your call!



Your one-stop shop for standard packaging and development of new solutions.

Consulting, product and technical design, worldwide procurement and shipping complete packaging solutions: get everything from one single source!

How To Get In Touch

Bredowstraße 31
22113 Hamburg
+49 40 731 206-0

Our Core Values

"Quality, reliability, flexibility, promptness and trust - these are only some of the reasons why customers have been satisfied with our performance for more than 150 years. We are proud that we can rely on pleasant and long-term business cooperations."

Peter Börner, Dorothée Kuhnert, Harold Lienau